Get Started: Developing for FHIR: Testing


Allscripts recommends Postman for testing your application. You can get Postman here. Postman is not a requirement.

  1. Launch Postman.
  2. Create a new collection. Click New, and then click Collection. Enter the required information, and then click Save.
  3. Create a new request. Click New, and then click Request. Enter the required information, and then click Save to . Postman displays an "empty" request.
  4. Select the Authorization tab, and then in Type, select OAuth 2.0.
  5. Click Get New Access Token.
  6. On the Get New Access Token panel, enter detailed information about your application, as well as the selected sandbox’s authorization URL and token URL.
  7. Click Request Token.
  8. Enter the provider credentials for the selected sandbox, and then click Login.
  9. Review the application access permissions, and then click Yes, Allow.
  10. Postman displays the token. Click Use Token.
  11. In Enter request URL, copy and paste the base FHIR URL (such as for the selected sandbox.
  12. Click Send.
