Resources: DSTU2: DiagnosticOrder

DiagnosticOrder resource

The DiagnosticOrder resource is used to retrieve requests for diagnostic investigations on patients (DAF DiagnosticOrder). These are also referred to as "diagnostic services." These investigations will later lead to diagnositic report. The logical ID of the patient is passed as part of the URL. The logical ID is found as the result of a patient search.

To retrieve a patient's diagnostic orders, use the following syntax:

GET {FHIR URL}/Patient/{ID}/DiagnosticOrder

To retrieve a patient's diagnostic orders from January 1, 2016, use the following syntax:

GET {FHIR URL}/Patient/{ID}/DiagnosticOrder?category=LAB&date=eq2016-01-01

Input parameters

Name Required? Type Description
ID Yes URL The patient's logical ID. This is retrieved using the search function.
date No string A string representing a date to include in the search. See below for more information.

Output specification

Name Type Cardinality Description
resourceType DiagnosticOrder
id identifier 0..* Contains the local ID assigned to the report by the order filler, usually by the information system of the diagnostic service provider. You must know what identifier to use when making queries about this report from the source laboratory and for linking to the report outside FHIR context. Alternate name: ReportID.
meta Contains metadata about the resource. Returns the profile element which includes a link to the Data Access Framework (DAF) for the DiagnosticOrder resource.
language code Contains the base language in which the resource is written. For more information, see here.
text Contains a human-readable version of the structured data, specifically an HTML representation generated by the data layer based on the underlying resource data.
subject Reference (Patient, Group, Device, Location) 1..1 Contains who the investigation is to be performed on.
  • reference: Returns the patient ID in the format Patient/[ID].
  • display: Returns the patient name in the format [Lastname],[Firstname].
orderer 0..1 Contains practitioner that holds legal responsibility for ordering the investigation (the ordering provider).
  • reference: Returns the provider ID in the format Practitioner/[ID].
  • display: Returns the provider name in the format [Lastname],[Firstname].
encounter Reference (Encounter) 0..1 Contains the encounter that provides additional information about the healthcare context in which this request is made.
  • reference: Returns the encounter ID in the format Encounter/[ID].
  • display: Returns the encounter type.
status code 0..1 Contains the order status.
priority 0..1 Contains the order priority (urgent, asap, routine).
event 0..* Contains a summary of the events of interest that have occurred as the request is processed. For example, when the order was made, various processing steps (specimens received), when it was completed.
  • description: Returns information about the event, including a link to the system used to define event codes (see here), the event code, and the display name for the event.
  • dateTime: Returns the date and time when the event occurred.
item 0..* Contains information about the specific diagnostic investigations that are requested as part of this request. Sometimes, there can only be one item per request, but in most contexts, more than one investigation can be requested.
  • code: Returns a code that identifies a particular diagnostic investigation, or panel of investigations, that have been requested. This includes a link to the system used to define order codes, such as a dictionary in the base product, the code, and the display name for the order, such as Vital Signs.
  • status: Returns the order status.