FHIR Partner Testing Environments

Veradigm Connect subscribers who require testing credentials for these environments must submit this request.

Specific Client Auth Settings for your FHIR Application

  • OAuth Client ID/OAuth Client Secret: You receive this when you register your FHIR application. Follow the instructions in Process Overview to register your application.
  • OAuth Redirect URL: This is specified when you register your application. If you are unsure, use "http://localhost/callback".
  • Provider Credentials: For the provider credentials used for authentication, please complete this form.
  • Patient Credentials: Email VeradigmConnect@veradigm.com for instructions on configuring a patient for testing.

Veradigm EHR

R4 EHR User/Provider and System Access

  • Base URL: https://fhir.fhirpoint.open.allscripts.com/fhirroute/fhir/CP00101/

To obtain the Authorization and Token endpoint URLs, consult the Capability Statement at https://fhir.fhirpoint.open.allscripts.com/fhirroute/fhir/CP00101/metadata.

For more information on testing Patient applications, see Testing FHIR Patient Applications for use with Veradigm EHR.